Have you ever thought about sponsoring a less privileged child’s Education? Educating a child from a poor family and giving that child a future is NOT as expensive as you may first think and one of the greatest gift you can give.
The Monthly cost of sponsoring a child is £15
Most of the western world very often take Free Education & Free Medical Care for granted.
Medical care and Education come at a cost in countries like Uganda. When we consider the uneducated families, lack of employment and extremely low salaries, it is impossible to pay the fees to educate the children.
This is where TOOWA Primary school comes in. TOOWA provide vital Education to these less priviledged children from these poorer families. The parents that can afford to send their child to this school earn around £5 per day working in local quarries breaking rocks with small hammers. Very labor intensive or providing motor cycle taxi services (Boda-boda).
For Just £15 per month (that is less that 50p per day) you can sponsor and child the future of a child. The sponsored child will receive the following:
- Full time Education every weekday
- TWO Hot meals a day
- Medical Assistance (should the child become sick)
- A School Uniform
- A limited amount of educational materials.
Look at this from another angle, a lot of the poor children from these villages don’t always get to eat a decent hot meal in a day, sponsoring them to ensure they are well fed is worth the sponsorship or £15 per month alone!
Your support for this project will mean that many more children in this extremely poor region of Uganda will find hope in the quest to escape the grinding poverty that has held previous generations of their community for many, many years.
Please give this some thought and consider changing the life of a child and their future FOREVER !
Please contact Kathleen Houghton via email or phone to obtain further information about sponsorship. Our page showing a list of children in need of sponsorship is password protected and access will only be provided after initial contact with us.
Contact: Kathleen Houghton Email: houghtonk2@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: +44 (0) 7752 310069